Have you been looking around and wanting to get rid of some stuff? Perhaps you are unsure of where to start. It can feel overwhelming when you know there is a lot you need to get rid of. When you have a cleaner home you are able to do so much more. You will feel more organized which will help you in all aspects of your life.
That is why we are here to explain exactly what you should be keeping, what you should be selling (perhaps), and what you should be tossing and using junk hauling to get rid of. Keep reading to learn more.
Start by walking around everything
The first step is to start walking around your home. Are there large items that stand out to you that you really don’t even think about. You know that they will for sure not work and that it’s time you get rid of them. You can then make the choice if they are going in the sell pile or the junk hauling pile. Remember, it’s always a great idea to get a couple of dollars for something, but if you don’t really think it will end up selling or selling very quickly, it may just be a better idea to toss it.
So, the first thing that you will do is take 1 hour and slowly walk through your home. If nothing stands out to you that’s okay, it will end up being a short walk around. There may be multiple things right away that you can clear out which will immediately free up space and make you feel better already.
Start with easy rooms
The next step is to head over to some rooms that are easier. Some rooms that you know you may only need to clear out a couple of things. A lot of times this is the kitchen or the bathrooms. Since a lot of extra things are not stored in these places they won’t take as long. This will result in you feeling more accomplished and excited about everything you have done.
Commit to doing it one time per week or commit an entire weekend
We also want to note how you will go about throwing things away. Some people are different. Some people want to commit an entire weekly to simply going through everything in their home so that it is done and they don’t have to think about it again for a long time. Some people can’t commit a full weekend from their schedule. If this is the case, we recommend committing one or two hours each Saturday morning (or choose a specific time) and always cleaning up and going through things at the same time each week. Eventually, you will have it all completely.
Once you make the decision to get rid of it, don’t go back
It’s important to remember that once you have made a decision, you shouldn’t go back and relook at it. This is true of things you have tossed already. You tossed it for a reason. If you have not used it or worn it in the past year, it’s time to get rid of it. If you have two of something, it’s time to sell or toss that extra one. These are the things that will allow you to have a clutter-free home and one that you are utilizing everything in it.
It’s time to go through round 2
Once you have gone through everything and made piles, it’s time to go through it all again. We know, you just did that! But you will be surprised how much you get rid of the second time around, especially when your brain has had time to truly think if you will ever use it again. In many cases, people get rid of more the second round than they do the first! That is why we always recommend going through everything again.
Feel proud of yourself
You did it! It’s time to feel proud of yourself and give yourself a big pat on the back for going through everything so well. You will end up feeling a lot more accomplished and know that if you need something, you will be able to find it a lot easier. It also is great feeling to know that everything in your home is there for a reason. Whether it’s because that’s one of your favorite jackets and you wear it all the time, whether it’s a pan you cook with almost daily, or because it’s a picture you love hanging on the wall. Everything you own has a place and you suddenly feel a lot better about it all.
As you can see, there are a lot of steps to ensure you get rid of everything that you possibly can. Whether it was a gift you received and you simply have not found when you can use it or it is something you thought would be handy around your home and it turns out it is not. This is all completely normal. Remember the great outcome you will end up having when you feel organized and clutter-free once you have finished. Good luck and have fun.
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